A tumultuous childhood, from which I was ready to leave at the age of 5, feeling this wasn’t the life I wanted to live after all. Being a hairstylist, then high school teacher of a customer service subject for many years, I learned to trust the universe had a plan and find ways to cope with stress, and to help my students handle life’s daily trials in more positive ways. Further development of these techniques for first myself, then others led to the development of the recent umbrella, Empowerment Starts Here and the many useful tools of self-empowerment it represents.
EMPOWERMENT STARTS HERE Encompasses the 3 Following Services:
Venting Creatively – New Zoom Perceptual Vision Heartwork Sessions that will give you an in-depth look into Yourself through 1 or All 6 Sessions. You can view these and register for the currently scheduled sessions here. http://empowermentstartshere.bravesites.com/vision-heartwork-sessions-registration
Ready for an ACTIVE Meditation Session that helps YOU Get Out of Your Head & Back Into Your Joyful Heart?
Want to Save $ & Time by Doing it right from the Comfort of YOUR Home? I invite YOU to get Your Heart Pumping, Your Lungs Expanding & Your Brain Balanced with a FUN Laughter Yourself Healthier Programs (30 min) on Zoom.
See what’s available and register here. First 3 sessions are free, then just $20 for five sessions if you love it as much as we do. Check out Days & Times here: https://laughyourselfhealthier.com/
ALSO… Do YOU have a WOW Gal Story to share, a WOW Gal Angel Tribute, or WOW Pet Tribute to contribute to our Women of Worth Online Magazine? Find out more http://womenofworthmagazine.com/
My favourite quote in life is “The past cannot be changed but the future can be anything you want it to be”. I take this one step further by saying, “The past can be revisited occasionally, long enough to gain insight into creating a better future”. We need ALL the puzzle pieces of our lives to create the whole “authentic” person we came here to be. I also feel there are no mistakes only wake-up calls leading to the opportunity to both look at and do things from a different view.
OTC Certificate
Laughter Yoga Leader
Life Coaching
Ontario Retired Teachers Association