That Witch Karena

Karena Osborne
Business Name
That Witch Karena
My Calling
Intuitive Tarot Reader, Reiki Master, Identity Alchemist/ Spiritual Mentor,Teacher
Business Phone
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What Brought Me To This Work?

Hey Witches, here’s a bit more about me!!!

I am a Scorpio Sun, Taurus Moon, and Gemini Rising, which means I love to get deep, and I’m very sensual and chatty. I used to feel I was too much, but now I own my major three and allow all of me to come out and play as I need. I mean they (( my major three) make me who I am, and help me do what I do, so of its about time I let them express themselves and their magick!

I grew up in a home that loved the paranormal and was also religious. I was confirmed Anglican when I was 12 and received my first Ouija board when I was 10, talk about duality right? Fun fact that the Ouija board ended up getting a priest called to our house to perform a blessing… talk about f*cking around and finding out.

I loved all things witchy and dream-related and was encouraged by both parents to pursue these aspects of self. I had my first psychic reading at 17 and took my first intuition class at 19. I put things on hold for a little while and walked the college, university, and career path as one tends to do. At 25 I began to feel a sense of longing, like something was missing and slowly started to find my way back to my inner witch. In 2014 I took my Reiki Level One and it’s been all uphill from there. In 2019 I opened the virtual doors of The Witch’s Inn and have been enjoying making magick with you ever since.

I love teaching and love to see you take up space and own who you are!!

Here are just some of my qualifications and teachings at The Witch’s Inn.

  • Reiki Master/ Teacher 2015
  • Intuitive Tarot Reader since 2019
  • Medium
  • Psychic
  • Moonology Certificate 2024
  • Astrology
  • Dream Interpretation
  • Grief Work
  • Ancestry & Generational Karma
  • The Akashic Records and Past Lives
  • Shadow Work & Alchemy
  • Spellwork & Conjuring
  • Identity Coaching
  • Diploma in Community & Justice 2009
  • Collaborative Problem-Solving Certificate 2012

I truly believe that my unique experiences and knowledge help me sit with guests with an open heart, allowing each client to come as they are, to receive the magic they require. Each guest is sure to leave feeling inspired, validated, seen, and heard. I can’t wait to sit with you.

What Services Do I Offer?

Intuitive Tarot helping you get unstuck at the crossroads of life

Tarot Parties

Identity Alchemy coaching session, helping you embrace the mundane as magical and discover your personal power

Personal Ceremonies for individuals and groups

In-person, Distance, and Travel to you Reiki sessions

Monthly New Moon and Full Moon Workshops

Tarot For Beginners 8 Week Online course- Offered 2-3 times a year

Witching 101 4-week online course- Offered 2-3 times a year

Witching 102 4-week online course- Offered 2-3 times a year

Awaken Your Inner Witch- Monthly Virtual Gathering to help you connect with the energy of the month and the astrological season starts July 24th



What philosophy do I live by?

My philosophy is to bring peace into my life and allow that to reflect out to the world around me. I strive to meet people where they are at, so they can step out of the overwhelm of perfection and begin seeing the magic in the world. For me this means, there is no high or low vibration, we simply are experiencing life in the conditioning we have been taught. When and if someone decides they would like something different, I help them align their life to what that may be.

Qualifications & Certifications

Reiki Level 1

Reiki Level 2

Reiki Master/Teacher

Aqualead Level 1

Tarot Certification

Collaborative Problem Solving

Moonology Certification

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