Willpower Institute Meditation Centre opened its Niagara Falls location more than 20 years ago. offering a 5 month Course of meditation which included both theory and practice. The founder of the Course was a Thai forest monk, a meditation Master , named Luang Phor Viriyang Sirintharo who wanted to share his knowledge and wisdom to the English speaking world. Intriguing!
Like a lot of other people, I had taken many roads along the way, seeking answers to life’s big questions. Why am I here? What’s my purpose? Some of those roads were a little rough with many pot holes and detours but some were incredibly beautiful. I had studied shamanism at one point, tried yoga, goddess spirituality, Zen meditation , healing modalities and many other interesting activities. It was my personal university and the people I met along the way were all my teachers. whether they knew it or not.
When I saw a local newspaper article about a meditation course right here in my back yard, I signed up, graduated, became an Instructor with the organization, teaching here in Niagara Falls, Texas, Thailand and California and have never looked back. Sharing the benefits of meditation with others and seeing the positive results that can happen, I knew I had found my path .
Does meditation solve all problems? No. Meditation practice strengthens the mind, (Luang Phor calls it “mindpower”), but it takes commitment, patience and time. There may still be some rough roads and detours along the way but meditation allows practitioners to gain insight into their own minds and provides methods and tools to help cope with whatever comes along.
The main goal of Willpower Institute Meditation Center is to offer a free 5 month Meditation Course which includes theory of meditation and practice. It is offered every year. In 2024, the first term is September to mid December each year.
The second Term is from January to end of February.
During the summer, meditation is offered once a week.
I believe human life is rare and precious and there is an expiry date, so it’s important to keep an open mind, to find joy in simple things like sunsets and rain, to make connections with others whether they share my views and opinions or not, to show compassion to those who are suffering and to self, to value precious family and friendships, to live each day as though it were my last, knowing I have done the best I could.