Mar 27 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EDT

Discover how to RISE above Fear & reclaim your Stellar Birthright as a Sovereign Cosmic
Citizen during Humanity’s SHIFT to 5D+ Consciousness
Are you struggling to get above the reversal currents of energy being directed at the human population on this planet right now…
inverting your thoughts, your beliefs and even your Lightbody?
The density, duality, and separation which was required for human life and experience on the earth plane, has also resulted in the
loss of our stellar identity, memory, and connection to ‘All That Is’.
Over eons of time, karmic patterning processed through our conical shaped 7 chakra system and lightbody configuration has
kept us phase locked in the distorted programming of earth’s reality matrix, cycling around in an amnesic state and unable to
move higher in dimensionalized time.
It is time now to reclaim your stellar birthright!
You are a multidimensional Being; an incarnated expression of a vast Oversoul and divine spark of God Consciousness
that is orchestrating various lifetimes throughout space and time.
To restore ourselves on an authentic God-realized ascension path, intervention is required.
🔸LIBERATE yourself from the density, fear & separation promulgated throughout the Earth experience
🔸RESTORE your stellar memory, through the progressive integration of higher self identities
🔸RECLAIM the multidimensional Ascension path lost during the ‘Fall of Man’
Humanity is at a precipice of great change and you are at the crossroads of a decision as to which path you will follow.
Will it be the one of least resistance? Or, will you remember your mission here, and stand fully in your power to complete it?
Join Marconics Advanced Teacher, Melinda Asztalos, for a transformative and purposeful lesson in how to free yourself
from FEAR. When you have faced that which you fear the most and have overcome it, what else remains to be fearful of?
It is from this new level of understanding and acceptance that you can step fully into the Mastery of being a
Co-Creator of this New World.
Enjoy a FREE Sample of Marconics Ascension Energy, and feel it for yourself!
Full-spectrum Marconics Ascension Energy works in the ascending 5D body template. It facilitates rapid shedding
of karmic debris and new DNA activations allowing you to raise your vibration and reach a new level of connection to Source/Spirit.
If you are ready to expand your consciousness to the edges of the universe and beyond, and stand in the Power
of who you came here to BE, please join us!
➤ If you have any questions, please contact me directly at melinda@justaskmelinda.com
Lecture Venue Location: 42 Aspen Drive Grimsby, Ontario
This is a private residence with easy street parking.