Marconics Levels 1, 2 and 3 Practitioner Training

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Feb 5 Feb 9 EST

Marconics Levels 1 to 3 Practitioner Training

Are you ready to uncover the higher truth of your ‘human’ story?
To Shift into Higher Consciousness, and break through the ceiling on your life and spiritual path?
Can you feel the intensity of the rising frequencies all around you but struggle to assimilate them,
or harness them in your healing practice?

MARCONICS is what you are waiting for!

Hailed as ‘The Vehicle of Ascension’ by Spirit, everything that has come before has been in preparation for
this moment; a step along the path as you scale the mountain to claim ‘Soul Sovereignty’!
Ascension out of 3D is over! Ascension into 5D is halfway through, and ascension into 7D is just beginning!

Marconics Ascension Energy brings the Multi-dimensional Holographic Body Templates into balance within
the physical construct, by reclaiming fragmented soul aspects from multi-dimensional timelines in
preparation for Higher Ascension.

The frequencies raise the vibration of the Spiritual, Mental and Emotional bodies above the paradigm of FEAR,
and SEPARATION, as they begin to draw down higher light codes for the activation of 12 x 12 strand DNA, and beyond.

 “The true process of Human Ascension is the expansion of perceptual consciousness into higher dimensional fields of identity” 

Whether you decide to become a healer and practice Marconics healing protocols, or simply harness Marconics
frequencies to further your own personal Spiritual journey – you will be forever transformed by this class.

This five-day Intensive offers Certified Practitioners of the Level 1 Marconics ‘No-Touch’ Protocol further
Advanced Certification in Levels 2 & 3, enabling them to deliver the Human Upgrade: The Marconic ‘Quantum’
Recalibration and ‘Integrated Chakra Unification’.


Augment Your Energy Field & Re-connect Dormant Vertical Alignments to the Axiatonal
System of the Universe. As an Advanced Level 2-3 Marconic Practitioner you will be able to perform the
necessary augmentations to release the unnatural phase locking of the 7 chakra system, helping the
individual shift their karmic balance to release artificial programming and unnatural seals to go higher!
You will learn to construct and stimulate the next level of Lightbody required for higher ascension and
be the bridge to facilitate an instantaneous connection to the universal grids by activating the
body’s dormant axiatonal system.

Learn to facilitate Advanced Marconics Protocols:

The Marconic ‘Integrated Chakra Unification’ creates a permanent upgrade in the human vehicle, enabling
the recipient to liberate themselves from their own Karmic creations and return to the 30ft auric field and
multidimensional chakra system used in the higher dimensions.

The Marconic ‘Quantum’ Recalibration reactivates dormant spiritual DNA codes, releases artificial and deliberate
manipulations of the karma wheel and 7 chakra system, upgrades the lightbody, and permanently plugs us
back into the Universal Matrix connecting us to resonating Star Systems in preparation for living in the Fifth
and Higher Dimensions, according to one’s Spiritual evolution.

Advanced Spiritual Alchemy lecture topics during this intensive include:

  • Shedding density through the Instantaneous Removal of 51% of Karmic Imprints, as required by SPIRIT for Ascension
  • Deeper truths of our Galactic Origins and Human Story
  • Instantaneous connections to the Universal grids
  • Activation of ‘Infinite Quantum Strand’ DNA in preparation for the Base 12 Tree of Life
  • Lightbody/Merkaba Mechanics Required for Consciousness to Ascend beyond the confines of the earth matrix
  • Soul Sovereignty and entanglement with your Future Ascended Self
  • Support for those who are ready to be activated and expand their genetics in a re-evolution of the true Lightbody

Immerse yourself in the energy with other like-minded seekers as you reconnect to your truth and purpose!
If you are ready to expand your consciousness to the edges of the universe and beyond, and stand in the
Power of who you came here to BE, please join us!

Level 1-3 Class Fee: $1750 (Includes the special discounted rate when you take all three levels together)
Level 1 only is $650 ( Plus $333 for the Quantum Recalibration necessary to attune to the protocols )


If you have any questions, please contact Melinda directly at

Lecture Venue Location: 5475 Lakeshore Road Unit 55, Burlington, Ontario
This is a private residence with easy parking.


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$650 – $1750 Starting at $650

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