Deborah Hannaford, Inner Search Centre

deborah hannaford
Deborah Hannaford
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Deborah Hannaford, Inner Search Centre
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Trance Channel
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What Brought Me To This Work?

When I was a little girl I was blessed with a vision of Jesus in which he told me that life would never present me with a problem I could not handle, and he would always be with me. Life has presented me with many challenges and many of these have related to the fact that I am sensitive to earth energies, people’s energies and emotions stored in objects and places. I became fascinated with ESP and telepathy but as a nurse always had a more logical reason why I knew information about a patient before it was written on the chart. Little things kept me substituting logic for metaphysics until life presented events I could no longer explain. As part of my continuing education I was introduced to Reiki and this opened the world I had been denying for a long time. Meditation came easy to me as did visualization and after taking a variety of alternative healing programs (Metamorphic Technique, Iridology, Natural Nutrition, Bach Flowers, Touch for Health, Dowsing, etc.) I began to receive information and have spiritual encounters. The first Guide I channeled while in meditation was Ezekiel, and through a variety of encounters I learned how to converse and remember what had been revealed. In 2001 I met Bob who was also channeling and that is when the Group Consciousness called “We Are One” presented themselves to us. We were having a quiet day at the beach when a massive light show appeared in front of us. I saw it and looked at Bob who was also observing it and he then turned to me and said- “Ask them what they want?” It was at that moment that they spoke inviting us to another conversation that evening. You can say the rest is history for they have been talking ever since. Their only request of us was that we share the information with others as their mission is one of service, and our request of them was that they do no harm. The first guide to appear was Abraham and I could see him clearly as an elderly man in white robes with a long white beard and long white hair carrying a long wooden staff. He was standing in a room lit by candles and he stood in front of a huge carved Buddha that appeared red in the light. I could see an alter covered in flowers, incense was burning and there were plates of fruit and rice. It was so vivid it was amazing to me. At first Abraham would appear each time I channeled. Then additional guides appeared who met the needs of the group in attendance. After a while a new guide appeared who resonated with the ladies to such an extent that she has stayed as the spokesperson for “We Are One”. She is Mariah and she is a record keeper. She is very beautiful with curly dark hair, big green eyes and she appears as an ancient Hawaiian in her dress of white with green drawings and writings about the neck. She is usually standing by a Palm tree that dips through the water on the beach; or she stands in a great library with a podium featuring a great book. She is an ancient guide who has been with us since the beginning of time. She has helped us write our life script and she is here to help us revise it between lives. She is our master record keeper. Her role as a guide is to help us resolve our life issues and release our karma. Her message is full of love and healing and she confers with other members of the consciousness (200,000 presently) to assist any who ask. She calls upon many of the Archangels and Jesus himself to assist us in healing our minds and bodies. She is a gift to us all. In a personal channeled session she answers questions presented by the client from her dimension and her perspective. This has been a great joy for me to help people whenever I can by allowing this group to speak through me. I am blessed. A Course In Miracles has been a passion of mine and I have completed the Pathways of Light training program and with my husband Bob have written a book called Today’s Divine Family; Living in Love, Not Fear. This book was written as a Cole’s notes version of ACIM focusing on the primary teachings of forgiveness and atonement. One of the things we heard from people who had acquired a copy of the ACIM text was that it was so large it was overwhelming; especially when you had so many daily obligations. We felt it was imperative that we share the basic spiritual concepts that facilitated mind healing. The text is coded with love and is designed to free you from the misinformation that binds you to a powerless state. It is a must for the ACIM student to read before taking on the entire course and it is your birthright to free your mind and your life path. I wish you many blessings of love and joy and I do hope we have a chance to meet one day. May your day be Blessed.

What Services Do I Offer?

Trance Channel
I offer personal sessions or readings with “We Are One” By appointment; either in person or by phone/Skype or Facebook messenger. A reading may be 15 minutes, 30 minutes or one hour. A reading includes a complimentary CD recording of the session or you may record the session to your phone or digital recorder. I encourage you to keep a recording as so much information is given it is hard to recall all of the content, and it is a distraction to have to take notes. I encourage you to write down your questions and prioritize them before the reading date. I call the client directly and the reading is by speaker phone, Zoom, Skype or Facebook messenger if not in person. Readings vary based on the complexity of the question and answer but as a rule in 15 minutes you can get in 2 or 3 questions. In a half hour reading about 6 and if you have 10 or more questions I encourage you to book the hour. If you still have questions at the end of the session another reading can be booked.

Payment may be made through my website at on-line store using a credit card or debit card.
Readings in person will be provided with an address for the date of the reading.

As a Pathways of Light teacher I offer personal sessions in Accessing Inner Wisdom
This is a meditative healing process where the individual is guided through a journey to meet their angels, spirit guides and Holy Spirit to heal an issue which they have discussed prior to starting the session. Hand written notes are taken and an affirmation is created to assist the individual in additional healing after the session is complete. A session usually requires 90 minutes and may be accomplished by phone/Skype, Facebook messenger or in person. If you are doing this by phone I encourage you to choose a time when your home is quiet and there are no interruptions. All sessions are by appointment and payment may be made in advance through my website on-line store.

As a Pathways of Light instructor I offer all modules in a 1:1 basis towards the credentialed program titled Ordained Ministerial Counselor. If you have a passion for learning and are interested in A Course in Miracles this program of study puts the text into modern, easy to follow modules, including meditation and self-discovery. Click Here for website.

Today’s Divine Family; Living in Love, Not Fear
A book Bob and I co-authored which outlines the key concepts of A Course in Miracles and channeled information not included in the course itself. It is an easy read and offers some of our journey to this state of peace we call home. Give it a try. Check my website for a signed copy or to order it directly. (PS. Have read your book – I truly loved it. Truly an amazing and insightful book. Blessings to both of you and all that you are doing. Light ad Love Lena January 6/13)

As a Reiki Master (since 1994) I offer workshops and private sessions in Reiki healing
As a Metamorphic Technique/ Metamorphosis practitioner/instructor I offer sessions and workshops. If you have old patterns that need to go, this is for you. Additional information may be mailed to you on request.

I also offer Group events in Channeling
The audience is encouraged to ask questions of spirit. In this format I channel “We Are One” who will choose a topic to discuss then offer interaction form the group.

Workshops and Events
Consult my website Calendar of Events. Send me a contact request to receive my monthly newsletter. Keep in touch by following me on Facebook & Twitter.

What philosophy do I live by?

My personal philosophy is to help where you can and do no harm. Have the wisdom to walk away when you cannot help or refer the person to whoever would be of better assistance. We are all individual pieces of a vast puzzle and each compliment the other, therefore no one is better than the other, only an equal component. I respect both alternative and western healing and feel both have their place in our lives. I believe that when the problem arises it is a learning experience and the teacher will appear. The learning experience is voluntary but ignoring it only gives it an opportunity to re-appear at a later date; whether in this lifetime or the next. We are all on a journey together and we are all interdependent on the other to get to the source of all that is. We Are One in consciousness and that consciousness is LOVE. I wish you all an incredible blessed life.

Qualifications & Certifications

O.M.C. -Pathways of Light Ordained Ministerial Counselor offering credited courses through Pathways, Inner Child and Spiritual Awakening Workshops and Accessing Inner Wisdom guided meditation for healing.

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