Fran Janes, My Friend Fran's

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Fran Janes
Business Name
Fran Janes, My Friend Fran's
My Calling
Energy Worker, Energy Enhancement System Clinic
Business Phone
What Brought Me To This Work?

My mother laid the groundwork to my future calling when at 10 yrs of age, after a serious fall on the ice, she took me to a chiropractor in Toronto, who had lost his license, for using a radionics device in his practice. I can still picture him working on this device, adjusting all the knobs as he felt for frequencies on a dark inlaid glass panel. He helped me recover with this strange device and I have not forgotten. Many years later I discovered the TimeWaver device out of Germany and have since learned that it is a more advanced form of radionics. I have now been a TimeWaver Practitioner for 10 years and regularly travel to Germany for training and upgrading. The more I learn about frequencies and vibrations the more I want to learn and so in 2019 I became a certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner, utilizing tuning forks in the field. I was a massage therapist for 23 years, and along my path have studied EFT, Accupressure, cranial sacral therapy and nutrition. My mother was a woman ahead of her time and I am lucky to have some of her Edgar Cayce, Louise Hay, and Paul Bragg books in my bookcase. I guess I am following in her footsteps.

What Services Do I Offer?

I have come to believe that Dis Ease in the body is a result of incoherence of the frequencies in the body or the electromagnetic field surrounding the body.

TimeWaver is a scientific device that uses the theories of quantum physics applied via hardware and software to analyze (or read) the body’s field and then write new information into the field to attempt to bring about more balance and coherence. Clients are amazed at the accuracy of the information that TimeWaver finds in their field and often their physical issues are cleared up quickly. Long standing issues can take more time to clear and the clients focused attention plays an important role.

With Biofield Tuning I utilize tuning forks to find incoherent knots of energy in the client’s field and then use the forks to bring about coherence and increase the energy flow through the body. Clients often report feeling lighter and more open after a treatment. Again, clients are amazed at some of the issues that come up during a Tuning.

With my TimeWaver device I have created a very useful tool called Activated Power Word Labels. These are a self help tool to keep you on the path to your greater self. The labels are clients on the TimeWaver device and when you purchase one and bring it into your life you are reinforcing the frequencies of the word/concept on the label in your life. For more information check out the website

I work with a company that provides top quality test based nutriceuticals. They are so sure of their products that they provide a blood test to take before starting on their product and then another after completing 120 days on the product .
Their number one product in Canada is an omega 3 Balance Oil. It is all about getting your omega 6:3 ratio into balance and promoting healthy cardio vascular, eyes, skin, brain, immune system and all vitality.

EQUBE by Energy Enhancement System presented by Fran
I have recently added The Energy Enhancement System EQUBE to my clinic. This is a Scalar Energy device that creates a fountain of DNA repairing energy in the clinic room. The client is encouraged to relax, and even go to sleep as that is when your DNA repairs. A treatment session typically lasts 2 hours and consists of relaxation music, meditation, EQUBE frequencies and Healy frequency Fractal Patterns and sleep . For more info on this device go to

I work directly with the client in person, or at a distance to assist the client to become more aware of their frequencies and vibrations and how THEY are creating the story of their life.

Qualifications & Certifications

Qualified TimeWaver Practitioner
Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner

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