From a very young age, I have felt a deep appreciation for all of nature. Growing up in New Brunswick, Canada, my fondest childhood memories are those of connecting with the tree’s and being in the forest.
For most of my adult life, I have been studying different Healing Modalities and deeply resonate with the guiding principle of Shamanism, which is; that everything that exists is alive and connected (through the web of life). That we are interwoven with each other, with the Earth, and with All That Is.
Although my official initiation into Shamanism was in 2007, I was born with the ability to see/feel energy and have always felt a deep connection to the Ancestors, to the Trees, to the Spirits of the Land and to all of Nature.
On-line and In Person Shamanic Sessions; Journey-work, Healing, Extraction, Soul Retrieval, Power Animal Retrieval, Dismemberment Journey-work, Shamanic Shield-work, Rights of Passage Ceremony, Psychopomp, Faery Name, Dragon Name, Power Name and Spirit Name, Ancestral Healing, Land/Home/Business Blessings, Seasonal Ceremonies, Land/Home/Business Clearing.
Sacred Travel & Pilgrimage facilitation
On-line and In-person Shamanic Training and Mentoring; Journey Around the Celtic Wheel Shamanic Training, Shamanic Shield-Work, Introduction to Shamanism and more.
Moving Mandala Shamanic Training and Healing Sessions/Moving Mandala Dance Ceremony/Moving Mandala Teacher Training
Firewalk Facilitation & Training
Drum Circles & Ceremony Sacred Song Circles
Meditation Circles
Body Centred Coaching
Reiki Healing/Training
Sacred Drum Healing
Marriage/Sacred Unions with Ethereal Energy Officiants
I believe that the depth of our experience is directly proportional to the depth of our open hearted presence. That through heart felt authenticity, inspired action, loving attention and intention, we naturally awaken the sacred within our every experience. That the most powerful creative and healing forces are ignited by conscious acts of Compassion and Love.
Shamanism Qualifications and Certifications;
- Foundation of Shamanic Studies to courses (The Way of the Shaman, Extraction, soul retrieval, phycopomp)
- Dying Consciously ~ Shamanic Teacher Dr Alison Nomore, 3 years Shamanic Convergence in Nova Scotia.
- Moving Mandala practitioner training and teacher training in England in 2012 with Grandmother Nancy Dancing Light..
- Continue to facilitate Moving Mandala Retreats in Canada and England
- More than 10 years of working with a Grandmother Nancy Dancing Light; Celtic/Contemporary Shamanism, Moving Mandala Training, Shamanic Convergence, Pilgrimage, Facilitated Introduction to Celtic Shamanism 3 times with her.
- Shamanic Pilgrimage to: Arizona, Ireland, British Columbia, New England, Mexico, Alberta, California, Scotland, England, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and more.
- Facilitated Pilgrimages to England, Ireland, Scotland, Mexico.
- Facilitated An Introduction to Celtic Shamanism (Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick)
- Co-created and facilitated Shamanic Training Programs; Introduction to Shamanism, Shamanic Shield-work, A Year Long Journey Around the Celtic Wheel.
- More than 15 years of facilitating Drum Circles.
- Co-owner of The Moving Mandala Training Program
- Co-owner of Travellers Joy ~ Tours with Spirit
Interfaith Officiant with Ethereal Energy Interfaith Officiants ~ October, 2022 – Able to Legally perform marriages, funerals in Niagara Region of Ontario. Certified Sundoor
Firewalk Instructor/ Empowerment Coach 2011, Certified Sundoor Firewalk Trainer 2015
Completed Reiki Level 1 & 2 in 2011 with Barb Tremblay , Completed Reiki Master Teacher in 2011 with Susan Dayboll, Completed Reiki Master Teacher in 2012 with Breny Mason.
Certified Body Centred Coach ~ 2022
200 hour Yoga Teacher Training ~ 2019 at the Yoga Centre of Niagara