Marconic Ascension Energy Healing

Melinda Asztalos
Business Name
Marconic Ascension Energy Healing
My Calling
Advanced Marconics Teacher and Energy Practitioner
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What Brought Me To This Work?

Melinda Asztalos, is one of a small team of Advanced Marconics Practitioners trained as Advanced Teachers of the Marconics ‘No-Touch’ and Marconics ‘Quantum Recalibration’ Ascension Healing Protocols: these are three Levels of practitioner training seminars, under Marconics Originator, Alison David Bird C.Ht, and Co-Founder, Lisa Wilson.

After working for over 15 years as a transformational facilitator, Melinda heard the Marconics ‘Clarion Call’, and attended her first class. Having attained the level of Advanced Practitioner, she has personally experienced an acceleration in her own spiritual evolution, as well as profound personal shifts in her life.

The work has left her with a deep knowing of the importance of this modality, and an understanding of what is truly required for transformation and ascension beyond 4D. In Canada, Melinda serves as a beacon: calling lightworkers, starseeds and truth seekers to her, who sense that there is more beyond the limiting and distorted constructs of this reality.

“I have devoted my life to the ascension path, and now I commit to assisting others in finding Soul Sovereignty through the provisions of Marconics Ascension Frequencies,” said Melinda.

Marconics Ascension Energy brings the multi-dimensional body templates into balance within the physical construct, by reclaiming fragmented soul aspects from multi-dimensional timelines, in preparation for Higher Ascension. The frequencies raise the vibration of the Spiritual, Mental and Emotional bodies above the paradigm of Fear and Separation, as they begin draw down higher light encodes for the activation of 12 x 12 Strand DNA.

What Services Do I Offer?

Melinda offers;

The Marconic ‘No-Touch’ Protocol
The Marconic ‘Quantum Recalibration’ Protocol
Levels 1,2 and 3 Practitioner Certification Training Seminars

What we are experiencing here and now on the planet is being called The Shift. Everything in our universe returns back to Light. This includes YOU and the planet herself.
The planet is moving to higher frequencies to heal and to have a new experience in higher bandwidths of consciousness.

We are moving forward in this Shift one way or another. Marconic energy is here to help us do this with ease. For this we require a restructured body template that can support our ability to thrive in higher frequencies. We need a way to be able to cope with these ever increasing in-coming energies. If we are to sustain a dimensional shift, we have to shed karma, release 3D density, release eons of fear and lack programming and sustain a higher vibration. Our bodies need to be equipped to handle this comfortably.

Marconic Energy heals the multidimensional holographic body and bring you into alignment with with multiple aspects of your Higher Self, all the way up to your Soul Self at Source. Because It carries the Ascension Frequency of 144,000 and holds the 13th code which is a DNA Activation, Marconic energy has the ability to bring you into alignment with everything you require to move forward with ease and grace.

During a Marconic Energy Healing Session your etheric and physical bodies are being re-tuned, re-structured and re-calibrated so you can survive and thrive in the higher dimensions.

As Marconic frequency is run through your physical and etheric bodies, working with your Axi-A-Tonal system, your vibration is elevated so that you begin to shed density from your energy field.

This is when your pineal and pituitary glands are triggered, and new DNA is activated.

Beginning with A No-Touch session is a great place to start. In addition, it provides an ongoing boost to your vibration as you experience the Quantum Recalibration and will accelerate your ascension process dynamically.

What philosophy do I live by?

Hello! My Name is Melinda Asztalos.

I’ve been working as a transformational facilitator for over 18 years and I have had the privilege of guiding people to experience the fastest, easiest path towards balancing their lives.

Having gone through tremendous challenges from a very young age has given me the deep soul-based desire to continuously expand my awareness and consciousness. My journey has gifted me with the ability to connect to others and truly empower them to know what they already know within the wisdom of the heart.

I believe that when you are in a space where you are faced with either choosing courage or comfort, courage tends to get you to miraculous places and comfort follows. We are not here to become perfect, we are here to cultivate the wisdom of our soul and to truly learn what it means to live an empowered life, and that includes all of the experiences. We are here to learn how to let go of numbing fear and powerlessness as we engage our awareness and recognize that we are on an ascension path. That this too, is a choice.

Qualifications & Certifications

Melinda Asztalos is a Certified Marconics Advanced Teacher and Advanced Practitioner and a Founding Member of Impact, International Membership of Professional Advisors, Coaches & Trainers.

Melinda holds advanced Certifications in
Access Consciousness, Kriya Yoga, Hear Imagery Mastery,
Theta Healing, Emotion Code and several other modalities and is
currently working exclusively with Marconics Energies.

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