Nancy Broerse, Colour Me Happy - Destressing with Healing Energy Mandalas

Nancy Broerse
Nancy Broerse
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Nancy Broerse, Colour Me Happy - Destressing with Healing Energy Mandalas
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What Brought Me To This Work?

As an illustrator by trade, I have always been fascinated by design and colour, whether designing fashions or creating ads and doing the artwork for SEARS, illustrating childrens’ books, brochures, magazine & newspaper illustrations, hand-made greeting cards and artwork for the Lincoln County School Board for teachers to teach novel studies ..also airbrushing wall murals, school mascots for local schools, stained glass articles, hand-tinted pen & ink greeting cards, home portraits, brochures, logos and more.

Years ago, while working with Feir Johnson, Dr of Hypnotherapy, and doing artwork for her series of books and cds for children with ADHD, eating disorders, fears and self esteem issues, I was introduced to the mandala, often used by teachers to calm children. I found that even CREATING a mandala was soothing and grounding.

Naturally, I experimented on my own & created mandalas with more & more detail, thus leading to an even deeper sense of de-stress. Add colour and I was then fascinated by the results. I was then compelled to work further to find what would bring healing to others through my artwork.

As a Certified LifePath Coach, I used my knowledge & my artistic skills combined to develop a series of De-STRESSING MANDALAs. Each one was created specifically to help someone in need and sent them to anyone asking for a mandala to colour.


After considerable urging by others, I then created a series of COLOUR ME HAPPY – “HEALING ENERGY MANDALA” Colouring Books.

What Services Do I Offer?

My COLOUR ME HAPPY- “HEALING ENERGY MANDALA” Colouring Books offer DeStressing and Emotional Healing. Each book covers one topic..all original artwork. There are more than “just a colouring books” …each mandala is designed after 45 minutes of meditation on the chosen positive affirmation first, from which the energy is infused into the resulting artwork.

The following titles are available at this point with more being released monthly:

Releasing Stress & Anxiety
Building Confidence & Self-Esteem
Letting Go
Getting Motivated
Setting Goals
Reconnecting with My Inner Feminine Power
Positive Me
Butting Out – healing energy support for smokers who want to quit
Emotional Healing

Besides publishing my Colouring Books, I also offer Interactive COLOURING WORKSHOPS & explain how vocal positive affirmations combined with colouring in a specific manner, works to create a new mindset and begin a new path of healing and recovery, both emotionally & physically. Another Workshop, WHOSE LIFE ARE YOU LIVING?, helps us examine following our dreams, has shown to be very enlightening and satisfying.

What philosophy do I live by?

I firmly believe that we are all here for a reason…that challenges are opportunities to learn. Kindness and humour are vital, compassion and insight are very important. I believe that we are all part of an energy from which we originate and to which we return, which means we are all connected, regardless of colour, race, gender or religion.

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