How to Create Mindfully

When we have any dreams or goals that we want to bring into being, tapping into our inner powers will help us reduce the stress that the process can cause us and ensure success.  How do we tap into this super power?

When we have any dreams or goals that we want to bring into being, tapping into our inner powers will help us reduce the stress that the process can cause us and ensure success. 

How do we tap into this super power? 

Our super power has many names: intuition, consciousness, spirit or soul and we’ve all experienced its guidance. You may have felt it through subtle nudges telling you not to go a certain way or that you need to call someone. 

You’ve also experienced what happens when we don’t follow those nudges when we should have. The question is how can we ensure that we are using this super power when we create?

Steps to Creation

  1. Slow down! Who doesn’t want all their dreams to come true right away? We want what we want yesterday! Learning how to slow down and regain our sense of groundedness is something all of us need. Start with a focus on your breath. Bring yourself into a state of mindfulness by feeling your breath in your body, the rise and fall, the coolness and warmth at your nostrils, it’s depth and speed. Your breath will help bring you into focus every time!
  2. Meditate or Focus on Your Dreams/Goals Schedule time on a monthly basis at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted time. You could schedule it every 1st of the month. For example if your goal is to create a community focus on what you think this would look like to you. Write down any ideas that come from that such as a person that comes to mind, a location, a business, etc then make those contacts your focus this month. 
  3. Follow the Nudges When I started creating Spiritual Niagara it was a dream that inspired me and this strong sense of urgency that I had to follow. I think of these as nudges you can feel that you are being pushed to do something. Follow the call even if you feel afraid or think it’s silly. You are receiving this for a reason unknown to you at the moment. 
  4. Celebrate Successes It’s important to acknowledge your accomplishments as you progress towards your goals. Take a moment to feel what a sense of accomplishment feels like in your body. Be proud of each step you take and each connection you make. Don’t just move on to the next thing. Take a breath before looking forward, be present with your success.
  5. Trust in the Universe Whatever you refer to as the higher power trust that you will be directed and supported. Sometimes you may feel stuck or unsure about what to do next. I suggest in those times take a break. The Universe can support us in creating but it’s also important to allow it the time to do so. 

Here are some of the resources that I have found helpful in my journey and you might too! I have included resources for those dealing with chronic pain as that has been a part of my life since 2012.


Learn More from Kathy in this interview which was a part of Sam Black’s Consciously Creating 2025. Visit Sam’s channel to view all of the inspiring interviews.

Kathy Upper profile picture
Kathy Upper

Kathy Upper is the founder of Spiritual Niagara, the precursor to Spiritual Canada which was established in 2009. With 27 years of experience as an Employment Counsellor and Workshop Facilitator at Niagara College Employment Solutions, she brings a wealth of expertise to her work.

Since undergoing spinal surgery in 2012, Kathy has grappled with chronic pain. Despite this challenge, she remains committed to educating herself and others on holistic pain management techniques and mindfulness practices.

In 2024, Kathy began serving as the Consulting Visionary and Podcast Host for Spiritual Canada, a national spiritual directory. She hosts the podcast Uncovering Spirituality, where she delves into topics related to spirituality and holistic living.

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