What Do I Want in 2025?

Making goals and then meeting them is a big part of feeling accomplished in life! It is a well-known fact that those who plan their lives are the most successful people on the planet. Last I read it was 95% of the world’s population does not have a plan for their day to day lives. Think about that for a second. If that is the case then you, the reader, are likely in that 95%. And to be honest this is not a club you really want to be a part of.
Now we must also dispel some myths right out of the gate to ensure your success going forward in 2025. There are a lot of people who believe the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. If this is one of your belief systems we need to eradicate that from your belief system stats. If you believe that making money is difficult, then you are right! Remember, it is the belief in something that makes it real.
So, if this planning ahead idea is something new to you or something you used to do, and for one reason or another you have lost your direction in this department, let’s get you back on the ride! This is so simple anyone and everyone should be following this practice. Let’s make the upcoming year one filled with desires being met while creating abundance in all areas of our lives. It is super simple I promise.
For this exercise we are going to plan out the year ahead in order to have something to strive for in 2025. It’s important to remember we also need to know the direction in which we are heading. This is crucial for success in all areas of our life because without a plan we are winging it. And, well, how has that been working for you so far? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Create a list with the following goals:
- “Day 1 goal” – keep this simple for e.g., declutter a space, paint a wall, contact someone you have been meaning to contact etc.
- “1 Week goal” – again keep it simple just like above but expand a little bit as you have more time to achieve this goal. e.g., I am going to ask for a raise!
- “1 Month goal” – this is a much bigger goal than the last two. For example, instead of painting a wall you are now going to paint your house! Or you are going to start a new website to sell your services or products.
- “3 Month goal” – This is slightly bigger than the 1 month goal, an example would be instead of painting your home are now renovating a space or you plan on earning 5 figures by month 3 from your service or product.
- “6 Month goal” – this is a ground shattering type of goal like I intend to lose 40lbs or quit smoking by such and such a date. Or maybe it is to buy a house or start a family. Go big on this goal!
- “1 Year goal” – this is life changing beyond your wildest expectations so go big or go home on this one! I plan on launching…
Get a fresh piece of paper and at the top of that paper write that goal down. Then ask yourself and answer the following questions:
- What do I need to do right now to kickstart this desire?
- What can I do on my own to attain this goal?
- What do I need help with to make this happen?
- What will my life look like when I achieve this goal?
Without delay, start working towards that goal. And every time you hit a so-called roadblock follow this same process until you figure a way around or towards them. Your plans will be challenged from time to time. That is a certainty! However, so is the need to really make sure what you truly desire is still the thing that lights you up in life. See roadblocks as a bigger part of the grand plan to ensure that you are chasing and attracting the right dreams into fruition. These little delays are 99.9% perfect timing so see them for what they are which is just a pause to ensure you are on the right path. The universe is always working for you and never against you so be sure to remind yourself of this often.
Most of all remember to smile and laugh and enjoy the process. It’s when we get too serious that we forget why we are chasing the dream in the first place. You have got this! Go Make 2025 a year to remember!
Remember to stay shiny so the world can find you!