Pathfinding – Guiding You To Your True Being
Pathfinding is a unique and dynamic modality that helps everyone at any age. When an individual soul is aligned on their plan with their purpose here on earth, their capacity to achieve and actualize their dreams and to help others is at an all-time high. When we can find our own peace and alignment, we are better able to take care of those around us and to help guide and lead them to find their place in this world. But it starts with us first!
What is a path? Each soul has their own individual line of experience that they have created for themselves prior to incarnating into this human existence. We create for us the situations, places and people that will cause us to stop and pause, review and reflect and then redirect in the direction that it is calling us. We each have our own unique expression that we are here to share with the world, and some of us have double missions. We are all here to learn, love, and to grow from the experiences here on earth so that our soul can ascend and evolve. Some souls will have a double mission and feel the calling to serve humanity in the unique and dynamic way that only they know how. When you wake up and align to your particular path, it will lead you to those that you can help with your specific brand of healing. You will also meet the guides and mentors that you need to help provide you with the insight and clarity required to get to your next level of being, healing and lessons.
How do you know if you’re on your path? It feels good, it feels right, you’ll find yourself in the right situation at the right time with the right people. You will feel inspired, excited about things going on in your life, optimistically hopeful about the future and things to come. Everyone here has their own unique path, the road that they have set forth for their soul’s growth. Source energy and your guides speak to us through our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, signs, symbols and synchronicities. . Things that build you up, lift you up, and bring you joy are pieces of the puzzle that makes up the beautiful being that you are. Situations that can bring you down, drain your energy, cause you to have self-doubt or any other negative thoughts about yourself, is bringing up an opportunity for you to learn self-awareness and boundaries.
When everyone talks about practicing self-love and self care, identifying things you don’t like and taking proper measures to prevent the recurrence is one of the highest forms that we can practice. Awareness of self, love of self and then subsequent caring of self and connection to our inner being/spiritual self are the cornerstones to living the happiest and healthiest version of ourselves while here. Life by design is meant to be challenging, we choose as a soul to place these obstacles in front of us so that we can feel the feelings. Whether it be of defeat or of unworthiness and then watch us rise up against them as we desire better for ourselves as we climb over the speed bump and begin living the life that we have set out for ourselves. Building strength and character is part of the plan, but we will have more ease through life if we go with the flow and give up the resistance. Being in alignment is going with the flow and giving up resistance that stems from fears and limiting beliefs.
How can you get on your path? Follow your heart, trust your instincts, and allow your intuition and nudges to guide you through each step. It’s that easy, although sometimes the execution can be daunting. That’s why there are people to help you along the way!
Walk your path, discover your purpose, find your peace, express your passion.
Remember to enjoy the ride!
Amanda xo