The Sacred Energy of Spring

I am so excited! The signs of spring awakening are happening in my yard – bulbs are poking up through the snow…
The birds are chasing each other around the yard and the dog is very excited about the energy change in the air.
Spring Forward with New Energy

Spring is a time of renewal, rebirth and new beginnings. We start to see the seeds (or bulbs) we have sown over the past months come to life. You can just feel the energy change as the days get longer; the sun rising earlier and staying out longer. There is an energy of new hope; starting with a clean slate, that new beginning, embracing the energy of growth. I love the energy of spring, even though fall is my favourite time of year, spring feels like an awakening to me. Spring weather is ever changing and sometimes turbulent. One day is it sunny, another it is raining or snowing. Animals are coming out of hibernation and producing young.
Nature Guides and Allies
Spring energy guides us to clear out the old and making room for the new, hence the urge to spring clean! Spring teaches us to be patient, flexible and to be open to opportunity for expansion. Expansion can occur in all aspects of your life: financial, spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and social. Spring is a time to reconnect with your passion and to bring your ideas to manifestation.
The Sun is a very powerful ally; the return of the light brightens our days and our moods. The sun is the most powerful source of energy in our solar (sun) system. It can represent success, power and light. It brightens up connections and banishes darkness on many levels. It brings hope and joy. Solar energy brings health and vitality, encouraging everything to grow.

Trees are wonderful allies. Have you ever noticed how your breath becomes deeper as soon as you walk into a forest or park with trees? Not only do they provide us with life giving oxygen, they also absorb heavy energy from our being; transforming that energy in to a higher vibration. The energy exchange from hugging or leaning against a tree can be very healing. Trees remind us to stay grounded but balanced as we reach for higher vibrations. The strong foundation of roots allows the expansion upwards and outwards towards the light.
I have three beautiful Maple trees in my yard: a Sugar Maple, a Silver Maple and a Japanese Maple. They each have a different energy. Maple trees hold a special significance to Canadians as their leaf is the national symbol on the flag. Maple trees also add sweetness to our world providing us with her spring resource to make maple syrup. Maple symbolizes balance, love, longevity and abundance. It is connected to power and money; not only is in on our flag but also some of our coins. Maple, a proud symbol, is a connection to promise, both personal and also as a Canadian to the country we love.
It is not too late to plant your seeds!
How does spring energy fuel your desires?